TBRI Post Test

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSlightly DisagreeSlightly AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree
    I am intentional about meeting my child's needs for hydration and stable blood glucose levels.
    I understand how a disrupted attachment cycle impacts a child's brain, body, and behavior.
    I am aware that my own history impacts how I interact with my child.
    I understand how to help a child learn self-regulation skills.
    I routinely think about how my child is physically safe in my home but might not feel safe.
    Instead of thinking that my child WON'T behave appropriately, I understand that they CAN'T.
    My child needs me to spend more time connecting with them than correcting their behavior.
    My child's past experiences impact how I respond to their behavior.
    When my child has intense feelings that don't seem to make sense, I understand how those feelings might be related to his/her past.
    I find ways to give my child a voice.
  • Strongly DisagreeDisagreeSlightly DisagreeSlightly AgreeAgreeStrongly Agree
    I feel sure of myself as a parent of a child who has experienced trauma.
    I feel like I have the skills to help my child heal.
    When things are going badly between my child and me, I keep trying until things begin to change.
    I know things about being a resource parent that would be helpful to other parents.
    I can care for a child that rejects me.
    I can care for a chid that says mean or hurtful things to me.
    I know I'm doing a good job as a resource parent.
    I can handle challenging behavior.
    I know specific strategies that I can use to connect with my child.
    I can see the need behind the behavior and meet the need.
  • Thank you!


As a resource parent, this opportunity was a game changer! I’ve been a foster parent for 28 years, servicing 78 kids & families. There is always things to learn! I have gained a vast amount of knowledge about brain development that I had never even considered.

– COBYS Resource parent