Counseling Intake Packets

Welcome to COBYS Family Services. We are pleased to have the opportunity to serve you. Please download and complete the appropriate packet for your counseling needs. The following information will assist the counselor and you to work together. This information is confidential and will not be shared without your permission. 

COBYS Adult Intake Packet Fillable

COBYS Child Intake Packet Fillable

COBYS DINA Intake Packet Fillable

COBYS Marital Intake Packet Fillable

COBYS Authorization Agreement for Credit Card Payment for Counseling Services Fillable

Please email all the completed forms in your packet to:



To schedule an appointment at any of our counseling centers, please complete the Counseling Inquiry Form or contact us at 717-661-3548.

For an overview of COBYS Counseling Center and the State of Mental Health in Lancaster County click here.

Seeing how our family has gathered around to love and support our foster son and us has been very satisfying. We would like to adopt, if possible, but even if that does not happen, to provide a safe place to children who need it is a one way we serve the kingdom of God.

– COBYS Resource Parents Eric and Rita